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Here at The Crusaders, we think for the hole.

So we couldn't forget the F2P players and concetrate on VIP's only!

After all, F2P are part of our life.

So after the 16th meeting that we held on our Royal Halls at Falathorn Homesteads, just before we move to Bree's Homesteads

(our current settlement), we thought about a way, on how to pay the up-keep of our house, and help our members at the same time. 

The formation of N.B.T.C :

So in this way National Bank of The Crusaders, was formed...placing Damlod (our current Bank-Toon) as the Director of this institution.

Here at N.B.T.C, we financier our VIP & F2P members, in desperate moments, when the don't have any escape.

We also pay the kins houses up-keeps, and everything that stays in the bank as armour jewells etc. goes neither to Auction House, or at our kinship houses chests.

The players such as VIP's can donate money to the bank, and F2P can simply donate trash, that nowone needs them, but that they have a high price to vendors.


In the future we might financier Allies and Brother in arms also, expending our competitive market power.



We really respect the fact, that you have time for your real life, and the kinship also, and we thank every member of our for choosing to join us, in adventures and the uknown.

But we also, have a specific number of demands inside our kinship, and as we, respect the fact of real life issues, we also want to keep an ACTIVE and MATURE kinship. 

Many players that leave the game, because real life is calling them, maybe for a month or more.

They will propablly be demoted and in the end booted. (We do that, for the fact that many players, might be playing in other words, or they have left the game)

But...we can not forget friends or highly respected members of ours. so the Embassy offers them a way to avoid all that, or even re-join the kinship in an updated way.

Players that can not stay for long time, inside the game...are highly welcomed to press "O'' and press the word NOTE down on their kinship tab. Then enter the following words, "Sleeping member", and thats it.

Nowone will ever demote them, boot them or remove them from our main website.

Or they can just send a mail to an officer or Brenter, or even leave a note on shoutbox, or by a kin mail...and they will stay protected until they are back.

Inactivity Process, and how to avoid it.

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